4 Features Any Container Tracking System Should Have

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The container tracking system is a necessary element in any supply chain. A good container tracking system allows your company to provide better service from the others in the market and provide a good experience to your customers.

What are the types of tracking systems in containers?

There are simply two types of the tracking system is available nowadays:

●        Standard container tracking system

This allows us to track the shipment at a specific point of time like there is the port-to-port availability of the tracking system. However, you cannot track the speed and estimated time in this system.

●        GPS tracking system

This tracking system allows you to track the real-time location of the shipment of the container. Along with this, you can track the speed, the temperature of the container, and the estimated time it takes to reach the destination.

GPS tracking systems are efficient and effective. One such efficient system is the CMA CGM container tracking system, with the help of which you can track your shipping containers shipped through CMA CGM.

There is one more tracking system known as RFID which is least commonly used because of the cost and the availability, and the features that GPS and SCTS give.

How do container tracking systems function?

You can track your cargo shipment from the Booking number or the Bill of Lading which is a 10 digit number followed by 4 digits alphabetic number and the rest of the numbers are the serial numbers of the container. The serial number of the shipment also serves as the mode to track your container via a container tracking system. If you wish to track your container via the CMA CGM container tracking system, you can do so with the help of the Booking number or the Bill of Lading number.

Important features every container tracking system should have

Here are a few features which should essentially be present in all the container tracking systems:

1.  Clean and UX friendly system interface

The container tracking system must have a user-friendly customer interface such as a clean website that does not have a high downtime.  For a better user-friendly experience, and on-time delivery must use the GPS type of container tracking system that allows you to track the real-time location and everything at your fingertips.

2.  Tracking via multiple methods

The tracking system must provide the facility of container tracking via the Booking number or the Bill of Lading or the Container number. For example, if you wish to track your container via the CMA CGM container tracking you can use multiple methods to do the same such as the Bill of Lading number or the Booking number. You can know more about this tracking system and start tracking your containers for your business.

3.  Customer satisfaction

The tracking system must have an all-in-one tracking solution where all the information about the container and the vessel is available easily. It must give a  seamless experience so that you don’t have to go to any other website or third-party application to know the required information about the container.

4.  Separate user id for the owner and the customer

This feature gives a better experience for both parties, individually they can track the shipment and if there is any problem the shipment owner can solve it on time.

With the presence of multiple players in the container shipping industry, you have options to select the best services for your business. CMA CGM is one of the companies that provide shipping services along with CMA CGM container tracking. Always remember that an efficient tracking system is one of the prime factors which you should keep in mind while selecting the best service provider for the better management of your supply chain and therefore your business operations/growth.

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