The Most Expensive Place to Buy Properties in Newcastle

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Property acquisition is one of the essential factors that every man likes to do. Without this, every person’s rationale behind having a successful life tends to be dicey as acquiring properties showcases one’s net worth or basic essence of living.

As a way of buttressing further, possessing the property of any kind equally serves as a way of securing or investing one’s money pending the time same will be needed.

Having a property in Newcastle, United Kingdom is ordinarily worthy of it because the city itself is a center of commerce.

Newcastle is a city with an average-sized population. It is the capital of England’s northeast with 1.65million persons or thereabout. Newcastle, United Kingdom structures its economy on shipbuilding and coal mining. In summary, Newcastle, UK is a modern business avenue that everyone sees as a prospective investment site.

Hinged on the above, this article intends to recommend to you where you can buy quality, durable, complementing, and top-notch properties that suit your body, mind, and soul.

Parts of The Coast – Tynemouth, Whitley Bay.

One of the very few British cities that has a seaside, is Newcastle. The coastal environment hails from Whitley Bay, links Tynemouth, North Shields, and even to the Tyneside part. These communities fall on the north side, but they afford the commuters good and easy access to Newcastle.

In Tynemouth, the average property price is £290, 000 while it is cheaper in Whitley Bay. You can buy a property that suits your taste at an estimated price of £233, 102 in Whitley Bay.


Another beautiful area to purchase a property in Newcastle, the UK in Gosforth. It is a better-estimated suburb to dwell in the city of Newcastle with basic amenities, and good road networks to the airport. You can buy property quickly at an estimated value of £251, 212 here.

Benton and Longbenton

Both Benton and Longbenton were carved out of the epicenter but remain on the metro network. With that, commuting is made easier even with the division of the part of the city into two segments. If you want to sell property fast, an average figure of £265, 984, you will get a top-notch property.


Jesmond is an area that is found in the depth of the city. Fashions and smartness in the structures of the residential houses, outlets, guest houses, restaurants have their respective seats in Jesmond, Newcastle, UK. It is a home for mid-aged professionals and those in their early ages. With £223, 984 as an average price, you will own a property in Jesmond.

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