Three approaches to keep your dog cool!

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Congratulations on your new pup. You might wonder if your puppy is ready to take walks and if so, how you keep them from overheating. So while we are on that subject, it is essential to remember that high temperatures can be highly damaging to your dog’s health. When you take your four-legged buddy out on a hot summer day, it is crucial to understand how canines regulate their body temperature. How much heat a dog can tolerate depends on several factors like breed, age and type of coat.

Interestingly, dogs with longer noses find it more easier to regulate body temperature than dogs with smaller noses. Similarly, puppies have a hard time controlling their body temperature compared to full-grown dogs. Lastly, dogs with thicker fur need more time to cool down their body naturally. So it is pretty understandable that every dog parent has to adopt a specific approach for taking care of their buddy. Still, there are some general rules which every dog parent can follow.

The three top essential things you may do to maintain your canine’s body temperature.

  • Keep your pet hydrated                          
  • Allow resting time in the shade                              
  • Keep a close eye on how much panting they do and what their energy levels appear like               
  • Lastly, keep them calm and still if they do start to overheat, feeding plenty of water.


When the weather begins to heat up, you can try introducing a few more water bowls around your home. Availability and abundance of water will encourage pups to drink more water. If you’re worried your dog isn’t getting sufficient water, introduce high-quality liquid food in their diet.

You can take a step further by creating a child paddling pool for them, if possible. Why? Dogs sweat primarily through their glands and their paws. Dipping their paws in cold water is a pleasant and cooling sensation for dogs, and even more so if they can lay their whole body in it.

Importance of shade and staying calm

If you have been out with your dog for a while in high temps, it is recommended to allow them proper resting time in the shade. Dogs who get warm quickly will opt for laying on a chilly floor, like tiles, if they can so don’t force them to be on the couch.

If your dog prefers spending their time out of doors, make sure there’s lots of shade for them. If your garden does not have enough shade hang a heavy-duty waterproof cloth above a grassed or concreted area. Discourage too much playtime when it gets hot.

They will enjoy walking around, but too much exposure to heat is not suitable for their health. Don’t forget to check the pavement if it is too warm for canine paws. If you wouldn’t walk on it with bare feet nor should they.

For most of the dogs, playing outside can tire them. Hence, please don’t allow them outside if it is very hot and they have nowhere to stay cool out there. A dog can die from heatstroke. Ten-minute physical activities outside or brain games like ‘find the treat’ in a range of hiding spots inside are a perfect replacement if they can only have shorter walks during the summer. For most dogs, the usage of their mind will tire them out and calm them as much as outdoor playtime does.

If during summer you notice any unusual behaviour after outdoor playtime, like vomiting and not eating food, take your pup to the vet as it requires immediate medical attention. Keeping a check on the measures mentioned above will maintain your pup’s overall wellbeing, but just like humans, dogs can also go through sudden health shifts. The best thing to do is to get your dog insured with pet insurance that is there to provide you with financial aid in case of any serious medical emergency.

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